WatchMaker Feature Requests All the ideas and discussions
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have a property called Enabled or Active

It would be a binary value so you could enable or disable widgets based on a conditional. This is particularly useful for buttons that you want to make active in one mode, but not in another. (Say stopwatch controls in one mode, app buttons in another.) You can do this with a script in the Tap Action, but that makes it necessary to find the specific w_app coding to call the app to put in the script.

Qoheleth, 06.03.2018, 19:50
Idea status: under consideration


Qoheleth, 07.03.2018, 20:55
And I feel a bit dumb. It turns out that this functionality already exists:
If you set opacity to -1 it disables the widget Tap Action.
(That should be in the Wiki, I think. (It says "Opacity can be used to switch widgets on an off programatically.", but it doesn't say how.)

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