WatchMaker Feature Requests All the ideas and discussions
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Countdown for Hour and Minutes

Counter that can countdown to a certain hour, minutes and seconds

Metah4 , 01.02.2015, 21:22
Idea status: under consideration


RogueQD, 17.11.2016, 08:34
This can be done with a script. Although a native once would be easier.

{c1bp}-{dtp} > 0 and math.floor(({c1bp}-{dtp})*24)..":"..(math.fmod(({c1bp}-{dtp})*24,1)*60 > 9.5 and "" or "0").. (math.fmod((math.fmod(({c1bp}-{dtp})*24,1)*60),1) > 0.5 and (math.ceil((math.fmod(({c1bp}-{dtp})*24,1)*60))) or (math.floor((math.fmod(({c1bp}-{dtp})*24,1)*60)))) or "{dh23z}"..":".."{dmz}"
Metah4, 17.11.2016, 13:38
Thanks! I haven't been making watch faces for a bit, but thanks for letting me know!

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